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It was Roger Miller's Dang Me

"out all night and running wild,
woman sitting home with a month-old child"

that got me talking to Dad directly again.

A song I am almost certain he had song along to.

Being dead he can't answer, but at least I feel capable of directing the questions to the source.

Snow outside!

First snow in Massachusetts, and first real snow even compared to the dusting in Manchester, NH, the day after Thanksgiving that lasted about half an hour before it turned to rain and washed the white away.

you don't want to know

i'm work / thought avoiding severe overeating again. G wouldn't believe I overate, given how thin i was. It's called very large bowel movements, but I was never quite able to say that. I did refer to wasting food, but she told me it was biologically impossible to consume and not use. Reminded me of H telling me engines ran more efficiently the more gasoline you gave them. Even brilliant women aren't right about everything.

winter lake

The lake and pond in Wellesley on the commuter rail line in are simply stunning in winter.

Or fall or whatever it is now.

Office sights

It's fun to work in an office, without being part of the office, and seeing all the classic office stuff– stapler being refilled, woman on cell phone to tech support or something poking at a copier...

I have poisoned myself with chocolate

note to self: do not eat one bar of 85% cacao chocolate by myself

Thanksgiving with Eliana's family and friends

Fantastic. I can't believe it's been since her wedding that I last saw Eliana!

So, my first seeing of the baby.

They want my wedding photos that I took so many of and from everywhere.

Intense scrabble game with Nate and folk.

[Two consecutive browser crashes managed to take out the original notes eventually, so I'm trying to remember almost a month later. Post is backdated.] Details – and names and such I had written down – are fuzzy but the day was great.

LinkedIn update

Leading the LinkedIn Updates that arrived in the e-mail box this morning...

"Kathleen Murtagh is now Senior Web Developer at Agaric Design Collective"

Awesome. But what does that make me? Maybe retired...

Dancing in the rain

While walking the dogs in the pouring rain I sang, and danced to, Roger Miller's "Walking in the Sunshine (sing a little sunshine song)." For a long time: two sides of the long block.

A chemical imbalance towards happiness is nice. Having great friends helps too. Still, maybe I should try to not get fired by Harvard.

Everything feels so positive after a walk with the dogs

(Usually just dog, Zelda, but Rusty is ours for safekeeping while Grandpa is traveling the world again.)

And I have fantastic friends a lot of whom were over last night.

But in the meantime life must be gotten in order.

Working more effectively.

Launching PWGD.

Sleeping and exercising and eating well.

Having a life worth sharing with someone full time, and finding that person.

Not so hard, is it?

beer substitutes for food

We don't have any more food, so I'm going to drink some more beer.
– Dan

On hiring and faith in humanity

"It's the one situation where having faith in humanity is not a good thing."

Shannon, to me, before my interview with the possible hire for Science Collaboration Framework.

"Dan is a good snap judge of work character."

Chomsky and Beer in Boston

Evening in Boston with Manda, Dan, Shannon, and Kathleen, who probably still doesn't get what Noam Chomsky is all about since the format had no exposition, just Noam's latest thoughts on the election and questions, and the audio wasn't great.

A day of hanging out

Billed as a Drupal learning day, not so much Drupal got done yesterday, but we had fun hanging out— Manda, Kathleen, and I, and for a while each also Veronica, Grandpa, and Mom as well as, of course, the dogs: Kathleen's Taedyn, Zelda, and grandpa's Rusty). We missed Anjali though, who couldn't make it– early Thanksgiving dinner.

Fantastic time for me, of course, spending time with a couple beautiful, brilliant people.

Awaiting results for an STD test

I am making sure I do not have a sexually transmitted disease, which meant getting blood work even though I hate it. I know I was at risk in my short sexual history, one possible Went in last Monday, to Planned Parenthood in Somerville. It's not that easy to find places that do the asymptomatic tests. And it does cost money if you don't have health insurance (and probably something if you do). They tell you in advance, though, which is very progressive for the medical profession.

Announcement: MP3 rating inflation

After rather many years with having never rated a song with 5 stars, I've decided I have needlessly condensed my scale and will begin rating with fours more freely, and most of the present 4s will become 5s. If a song ever reaches whatever my previous ridiculous standards must have been for a 5, I'll blog about it or something. Fair?

Transit and work

Made it from house to train station in 3 minutes. They did hold the train 10 seconds for me. Had to climb on with the bike, of course, after running it across the bridge and down the stairs.

This was not a good day, schedule-wise. Ordinarily, I aim for the 7:50 a.m. train. That not being realistic, aimed for a [9 something, and I think caught the 11?]

Hours: another couple for Peacetones at some point, fixing the image links that were harking back to the old site-- including moving the picture files themselves over to the new site.

Vegan meetup at My Thai, Radical Research Collective first group meeting, dinner, hanging out with Heather and Afam

Great to see Heather again. It had been far too long.

Day all-in-all fairly successful.

Fixed an issue on Syracuse Cultural Workers, ran Zelda, took a shower, made hummus, and made it to the train on time.

The train then proceeded to be 15 minutes late.

Vegan meetup was interesting. Met Maynard Clark in person for the first time. The café well out there in Brookline, a decent hike away from the C Green line Coolidge Corner stop.

can't believe i spent the last five hours looking at vote counts and the discussion in #drupal-election

instead of doing work that desperately needs to be done

that work includes:

taxonomy import for SCF
Changents!!!!! Earthkeeper signups and activity and other listings for Partner pages
launching new PWGD site
setting up Seacoast Outright new site
Related Content
lots of general planning/setup for SCF

today was nice, worked in the morning, ran with Zelda for half an hour (plus 12 pullups on the tree, 40 pushups, and 80+ situps)

Showered and shaved with the single-blade razor and then finished what i missed, with the triple-blade.

on a music high and dancing in the sun

Yesterday, I walked Zelda. And when i finally got my ipod shuffle to work with Songbird (open source, oh yeah) it was with a dump of just my highest-rated songs so i'm on a music high while doing so.

Boogieing in the last of the great fall colors, dancing to Aretha Franklin's Think in the pine needles on the side of the road. Fortunately, for the onlookers, I broke into a run for most of the rest of the time.

Beautiful day!