In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
In Philadelphia, Dad answered a job ad, he was probably about 16, he said.
There was another boy there, an African-American, a real go-getter. [Who looked like he really expected to get the job.]
Coming out of the interview where Dad got the job, it came to him that the other boy was not going to get the job.
It haunts me to this day. This very moment it haunts me.
I make a living doing web design and development with a great team
The Agaric Design Collective
I'm trying to make possible a worldwide nonviolent revolution for justice, liberty, and making more good things doable.
People Who Give a Damn
You could spend your time wondering if what you say you are is really you. Or you could just act like that all the time.
— Seth Godin