Media Criticism.
Big, Left, Outside is Al Giordanos web log and as good a sustained critique of the media (and booster of authentic democracy and authentic journalism) as there is out there.
PR Watch Spin of the Day: daily reporting on public relations, propaganda, and media spin.
Cursor - patrolling the media
Tom Paine.common sense covers a lot of bases, including media criticism and sometimes trying to set the record straight.
Daily Howler, as the name suggests, attacks the worst media biases and mistakes of the day.
Jim Romeneskos Media News (at usually has at least someone complaining about a media issue.
Dan Kennedy weblogs a stream of personal, but therefore often unique, criticism and comments on the Boston, national, and alternative media.
Online Journalism Review reviews both online and offline journalism.
Columbia Journalism Review is the grandaddy of media criticism and XitsX WAS pretty good too.
American Journalism Review, formerly the Washington Journalism Review, has some content online and at least once had an authentic journalist editor Bill Monroe, according to Al Giordano.
Already out of business: Brills Content, or just Content to its employees, is the newest large journalism review magazine. It already has synergy issues that have been needfully criticized by the OJR., a global network of media issues affiliates, is a Globalvision New Media production for OneWorld and The Global Center (As the Media Watch the World, We Watch the Media).
Media Attacker calls into news-opinion shows and gives his opinion.