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Style Rules of the BMM Publishing Company

This is not a comprehensive list.  To the contrary, the rules listed here are those most idiosyncratic to the Company; grammar guidelines likely to be found in any stylebook have generally been left out.

The first rule is that everything can be argued, including these rules, so don’t accept any you disagree with.  That said, these are writing practices we have very strong prejudices for or against, so if you don’t really care, keep the boss’s blood pressure down.

Two spaces after every period.

Period means the dot that comes at the end of a sentence.  This also applies to question marks and exclamation points and anything else you can put at the end of a sentence.  English grammar maven Betsy Hartman says so too, so that settles it.

Sets of parenthesis, to be interpreted respectively, are bad.

Saying that more (or less) of something is good (or bad) and expecting the reader to keep track of the wonderful (or terrible) result with the beneficial (or pernicious) cause is ridiculous.  Trust me, that sentence was easy.

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